
Are doubts the beginning of wisdom?

Is our egoism so visceral that it can convince us that we are not egoists?

Should we sort out the doubts from the certainties, not the certainties from the doubts?

Is our world a place where there is nothing to correct but ourselves?

Pleasure and desire cancel each other out every time we get what we want?

Is knowledge a projection of our desires?

Is there nothing in the world to correct but our intentions?

Are visible things made of invisible things such as quarks, hadrons, baryons and mesons invisible constituents of matter in strong interaction?

Is conflict a reaction of the "I"?

Is there is a profound unity because we are all made of the same substance and have the same Father who nourish mother Earth?

Is the desire to receive the essence of Creation and we are portions of the desire to receive?

Are all events merely changes in our desire to receive?

Reality depends more on the person who looks, than on the object that the person is looking?

Why the end must not justify the means?

When we die the atoms in our bodies will be free to wander the universe we did not see?

Are non-combatants victims of wars?

Every conscious or unconscious experience leaves a scratch in us which we call memory?

In the Old Testament "an eye for an eye"  is the sacrifice of another, looking for retribution
In the New Testament "if someone slaps you, you offer the other cheek" is an evolution of the mind into compassion?

Would we feel in heaven like eccentrics lost in paradise?

Ihe end of knowledge to not know, because the more we know the more we grasp how much we do not know?

Life laughs at expectations?

Must we meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs?

Do we fall in love with words?

Ideas become significant because we are afraid of liberating the energy to face the facts?

Naming gives meaning to existence?

Our desires set the direction of our mind?

Corals are the links between the still and the vegetative levels?

Inventions start from the beginnings hidden behind childish things?

Is the "perfect" man a statue?

Are we the face that looks and is looked at in the mirror?

Are we refusing to act in the face of our portentous freedom?

Are we manipulated by the situations we create?

Could we rise above manipulative values we possess for others?

Was Cervantes cruel with Don Quixote?

Would be possible to live without the conditioning of the past?

Is the water that dinosaurs drank the same water we drink today?

Is our world a consequence of the Upper Worlds which pertain to a higher level of existence?

Is faith a complete submission to the will of the Creator?

Are we separated by beliefs?

Where are our children’s songs?

Is the truth unchangeable, eternal, superior to the human mind?

Is our desire to receive an absolute truth?

Must we move from our competitive mode to a complementary mode to see the beauty in each view and the benefit in each person.

Are we the Golems?

Is the idea of hurry-hurry the most dangerous enemy of joy?

I there a person devoid of selfishness?

Is the proper combination of opposites the beginning of creation?

Do we have a corrosive compulsion for doing at the cost of being?

Everybody does something that individually seems good, but winds up being bad for everybody?

Is egoism a common tragedy?

Is a business plan a writing on how we will do something we really don’t know how we will do it?

Are values rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, left or right?

Isn't the middle line between left and right the best possible position?

Is the real value an adjusted value obtained by removing the effect of changes from the nominal value which has not been adjusted?

Our greatest problems come from the fact that we attribute what we desire to actuality and build plans based on fantasies?

Nothing appears in its true form, but through its opposite?

Is silence the natural outcome of observation and of understanding oneself and the world?

Do we have to create a new desire to discover the nature hidden in nature?

Is innocence innocent not because it rejects but because it is capable of accepting anything and still remaining innocent?

Is life an accident?

Is cultural isolation impossible?

Any knowledge that doesn't lead to new questions quickly dies out?

What sort of a life can we lead now?

Is it possible to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" or our truth is merely an approximation?

Should we consider Earth from a nonhuman perspective?

Are we agitated by belief to escape from actuality?

Is there no difference between good and evil because both come from the Creator for the purpose of Creation?

Is language different from life?

The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg show to us different reactions under the same circumstance?

Is people the biggest problem that faces the world and the human race?

Are plants farming us by giving us oxygen until we die and decompose and they can consume us?

Is our mind inside our skull or is beyond our physiology and exists in many different places at once?

Do we need to understand that there is the ideal, and there is reality?

Is a toothache enough to deny the existence of God?

What makes the difference between failure and success?

Is religion an escape from actuality?

When there is an excess of light no one sees?

Do we love God because of the heaven He promised to us?

Who creates the rule of the elite?

Does fascism begins as a pose?

Is fascism contemptuous of the populace as it exploits the crowd mentality?

Fascism dislike liberalism?

Are our answers conditioned by knowledge which is the past in conflict with the fact?

Are our desires malleable so that we can change to create a better reality?

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again?

Nothing can change the invulnerable past?

Are we attached to ideas which paralyze the action?

Is the unknown the unchanging the truth?

Is reality is a photograph of us?

Is faith a lack of knowledge?

Is faith is something incomplete and proof would be better?

Is there something inside us that has no name and that something is what we are?

Are armies created to protect an established system, not people?

Is there conflict between what is and the experience that has been?

Is our mind a prisoner of itself?

Was Africa poor or its wealth was stolen?

Is our happiness in the future tied to our gratitude for the past?

If people wants to bring you down means you are above them?

Can our intentions change our desires?

Can we change desires through intentions?

When our strength will divorce from our will?

Is reality is a photograph of us?

Can we can create a better reality because our desires are malleable?

The closer our desires get to the attributes of the Light, the more sublime our reality becomes?

Change our intention to change our desire?

Is our soul a portion of the Creator from above?

Do we need relationships to discover the ways we are?

Are we so used to fears that we are unaware of its effects? 

Is the act of watching an exercise of power with capacity to influence behaviour and compel conformity and complicity, without fully realising it?

Why nothing is to be attained without striving?

Should understanding other religions be fundamental to citizenship?

Is the over analysis of existence a paralysis so that a decision or action is never taken?

Is loneliness just space expanding around us?

Understanding a question is half an answer?

True wisdom comes to us when we realize how little we understand about life and the world around us?

Will we advance to the next level?

Are we in the same boat and someone is drilling a hole in the boat"?

Are humans works in progress that mistakenly think they are finished?

Are questions springboards to reach answers?

Will the questions that someone asks teach us more about a person than the answers given?

Can culture be attributed to genetic inheritance?

Is culture the human capacity to act creatively classifying and representing experiences with symbols?

Did language and writing emerged as symbols to construct social identity and maintain coherence within a social group?

Is our life shaped and controlled by the society we have created?

How could we be free from wars, leaders and religions we have created?

Is reality there when we are not looking?

May the other shore be this shore and we are swimming away from it?

Is there a conflict between reality and our feeling of what reality “ought to be”?

Is innocence innocent because it is capable of accepting anything and still remaining innocent?

Is spirituality is a sense of connection; a clear perception of reality?

Our five senses offer us only manifestations of the actions of the essence, but not of the essence itself?

Is God going to create the world again as in times of Noah?

Must governments be smaller and people bigger and more responsible?

Are egoism and altruism the two forces to create the world and the humanity of the future?

Is love full of useless little tricks?

Was the law written after it was violated?

Are the paths up and down one and the same?

Most people live as if they had their own private understanding?

Is the road to wisdom the less traveled?

Life is short; hours are long?

Are we stuck building a wheel that is shaped like a square?

Experiments show to us only the reaction of nature due to our intervention not nature itself?

Is the very nature of our thinking a contradiction because we think in terms of the past or of the future?

Has our heart reasons which reason does not know?

What is Justice?

Is justice the understanding of good and bad?

Is justice a system of reward and punishment made for the benefit of the system’s authors?

Is spirituality is about sensations?

Are more dangerous than drugs the reasons for which people become addicted to drugs?

Do we want to establish a society for all who wish to follow the way by which to climb and not remain as beasts?

Is our world not an incorrect but and uncorrected place and there is nothing here to correct but ourselves?

Are the future consequences included in our present actions?

Are our desires are ahead of us?

Those who fight with monsters should beware to not become monsters?

Is love a sensation of the Creator?

Is the power of connection the vehicle to travel from one condition to another?

No thought of man can attain the Light?

It is getting dark, too dark to see?

Is everything outside the structure of our inside?

Is each individual part of the collective consciousness?

Are we way down at the bottom?

The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg?

Can we ascend to spiritual worlds, or spiritual worlds can penetrate us?

Is frustration a prerequisite for satisfaction?

Are we fit to evaluate or to be made subjects of evaluation?

Can good and evil exist one without the other?

Are present and past both in the future?

Is the world that appears to our senses covering a complex and magnificent interaction of forces?

Is there in almost every culture a Dragon as symbol of power, closer to a god, not to an animal?

Must we spent less time trying to make this world a better place and more time trying to make ourselves better persons?

Are we prisoners of the universe with the keys to liberation clenched tightly in the fists of our own ego?

Lowering our expectations leave us in conflict with our desires?

Must we blame the lettuce if the lettuce does not grow well?

Would we have changed our behavior if we could?

Anyone who rejected idolatry was called a Yehudi (Jew), descendants from Jacob's fourth son Judah?

Is a person a small world?

When we die, the atoms in our bodies will be free to wander in the physical universe we never saw?

Is there not independence but interdependence because everything is made of at least two parts?

Are obstacles there by design, to increase our desire for the goal?

The less gratitude for doing a kind act, the greater the value of the act?

Only dogs understand the Creator’s indication "Love your friend as yourself".

Are our thoughts and actions determined by our desires?

Our brain processes a great amount of information of which we understand only a very small part?

We pay attention to our thoughts, mood, perceptions and understanding but we don’t know enough about the mechanisms behind them?

Is form the carrier of Matter?

Was everything was created and is governed with  purpose and intention?

Everything stems from one source?

Are all our inner desires interconnected in one system?

It is possible to squeeze more essence out of the world to fill our ego?

Is there is a better non-linear interconnection system of relations in humanity but we have not noticed it?

Were we not made for this corporeal world but for the spiritual world?

Experiments show to us only a reaction of nature due to our intervention?

Is the good quality of a person determined by the extent to which the person activates the best in others?

Is a better world is attainable by rising above our ego?

The world reflects our attitude toward the world. We must change our attitude to see a better world?

Do we have desires or the desires have us?

Our desires expand when we get together?

In the spiritual world we need to  make an inner motion in order  to  pass from one place to another?

Is not the world that needs changing, but the observers of the world?

Education should teach children how to relate to themselves and to others properly to be one whole human being?

Are we apparently disconnected but we are connected because what you do affects me and what I do affects you?

Did we come to this world to fix what is busted between us?

Self gratification come to us as a reflection from bestowing?

The world reflects our attitude toward the world?

To change the world change our attitude?; To change our attitude change our desire?; To change our desire change our intention?

Science does not uncover the absolute nature of reality, but rather a reaction of nature due to our intervention?

Are desires the engine of change?

Are the future consequences included in our present actions?

Are our thoughts and actions determined by our desires?

When the object of a desire is transformed into hope, becomes more real?

Is an honorable human relationship a process of refining the truths?

We get fascinated by silence?

Are moral and social conventions inhibitions on our personal freedoms?

Is loneliness a human condition that allows our soul room to grow?

Is an ideal what we will discover in the future, in our corrected states?

Are there two reasons why we don’t trust people: first: because we don’t know them; second: because we know them?

Is it hard to maintain an intention?

Is there only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about?

Will we have to begin all over again?

When we complain we become victims?

If we find our situation intolerable do we have three options: leave the situation, change it, or accept it with their consequences?

Can perfection be described with words?

What is Reality?

Was everything created and is governed with  purpose and intention?

Are the facts most astounding and most real never communicated by person to person?

Is the Creator the desire to bestow creating the desire to receive?

Are we beginning to understand how we are eating up the entire system instead of working to complement it together with everyone?

Are we seeing and feeling the connections operating behind the external picture of the world?

Are we acting in this world like puppets on strings?

Is secrecy is a negative tool, because it is the active removal of something that would otherwise naturally exist?

The story of wealth creation pretends that nature had no value before it was monetized by industrial activities?

We spend our time working harder, when we should be working together?

When differences know how to connect they complement one another?

Do we have to build an additional system from the connection between people's consciousness?

When we succumb to our egos we let our differences separate us?

Are our intentions behind the quality of our desires and thoughts, actions and consequences?

Is our  perception of the spiritual  a change in our senses that modify our perception?

Is the  Creation everything we sense?. 

Is everything we know about our  own essence nothing more than a series of actions extending from our essence?

To understand how we can bail  ourselves out of this crisis, we  need to understand why our own  nature puts us on a collision/course with nature and with each other?

Is it beyond human comprehension to understand the essence of spiritual qualities?

It takes a root channel in human nature for connection to branches above?

Connections with people expand our desires?

Is enough an amount or a relationship to what we have?

Inherent in the desire are the mechanics for its fulfillment?

Has history taught us that human nature cannot be changed, but it can be transcended?

Is a prayer without intention like a body without a soul?

Is Paradise not about places, but about moments and connections in flashes across time?

Is Judaism more concerned about actions and relationships than beliefs?

By Jorge Alejandro DelaVega Lozano

Copyright © Jorge Alejandro DelaVega Lozano


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